mimi smartypants
Seriously, though: what's with the penguins?

odd dreams (like you care)

So it's Monday and I'm a bit less buoyant than in the last entry. (I was going to make some joke here on the literal meaning of “buoyant,” but oh, screw it.) I got a lot of stuff done this weekend, however. Well, Friday night I just got a lot of drinking done. But the next 2 days we really spiffed up the apartment, put in some shelves, moved some plants (I have ever so many plants). And I bought a winter robe, finally, because my last year's robe was extremely ratty and had quite a few tea stains. This new one's red flannel and way way snuggly. I'm looking forward to those winter Sundays when I never quite make it out of said robe.

I bought more tickets for the symphony today, this time for a concert in March. LT and I are becoming quite the symphony patrons. This is going to be awesome, it's the Beethoven 3rd and a percussion-oriented piece by Takemitsu…look him up, it's cool stuff. Kind of minimalist. I felt cheap and went for the “terrace” seats, they're only $26 bucks each and you sit BEHIND the orchestra, the sound's just as good (thanks to the killer architecture at Orchestra Hall) but you get the discount for having kind of a weird view.

Last night I had a weird dream in which I bought a porcelain head at the Portobello road flea market in London. (Why would I do such a thing? I'm not exactly a knicknack person.) When we got it home we found out that it would be worth at least $100,000 at auction. In the dream this made LT and I nervous instead of happy, because we had to take out insurance on the porcelain head and deal with all this paperwork and whatnot.

Ever since this dream I've been thinking the words “porcelain head” to myself all day.

So go soak your porcelain head, gentle readers.

—-mimi smartypants