mimi smartypants
Seriously, though: what's with the penguins?

Archive for December 2010

a round of champagne and funyuns for all my friends

It’s my birthday! I have tea and a cheesecake-topped brownie and three iTunes gift cards for a downloading binge (shout-out to my teenage cousins, for whom the cards were originally meant: if you don’t show up at the party, you don’t get any gifts). I am also surrounded by a swirl of activity, which is […]

scare crow straw man

Today I got into the work elevator, pressed my button, was conveyed upward. Suddenly someone started talking to me over the intercom. “Everything okay in there?” Me: Uh, yeah! Voice From Above: Hello? Me: Hello! VFA: Did you press the emergency button? Me: No. VFA: Is there a problem? Me: No! Not that I know […]

sure, why not

1. Industrious child: Nora was having “screen time” on Webkinz and I walked by the screen and did not recognize any of the stuffed-animal avatars. Then she told me that her friend had given her his username and password because “he’s not very good at the games” and he wanted Nora to make him some […]