mimi smartypants
Seriously, though: what's with the penguins?

Archive for July 2010

’tis the season of barely tolerable behavior

Is it my imagination? Or is there something about my child’s half-birthday that turns her into a crazy person? It starts almost exactly at the halfway point, lasts a month or two, and then she is sane again. Eighteen months seemed okay, 2.5 was delightful, but I have downright chilling memories of 3.5, including a […]

ululate lithium

IF THE FOLLOWING HUMAN PRODUCTS AND ENDEAVORS DISAPPEARED FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH TOMORROW, I WOULD NOT WEEP BUT RATHER STAND UP AND CHEER (leaving off obvious emo-kid responses like “sexism,” “poverty,” and “genocide”) 1. The song “Stand By Me.” I had to think long and hard to narrow my song list because I […]

tee oh em bee

DON’T OPEN THAT BAG My favorite wi-fi network, detected by my iPhone as I ride the El to work, is “bag of assholes.” A close second would have to be either “super hockey flying jesus” or “I hate Ibrahim.” Awww, what did Ibrahim do? That one is extra-special to me because whenever I have to […]

scif-fi fry guy

PANDORA HILARITY If you want a laugh, you should check out Pandora’s “liner notes,” where it explains why it chose to play the song it’s playing. What kind of music do you like, Mimi? Oh you know, stuff with electric rock instrumentation, a subtle use of vocal harmony, repetitive melodic phrasing, and extensive vamping. THE […]